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33 reviews
33 Rooms played
90.9% escapepercentage
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0 played games
2 team members
41 Rooms played
I played this room with 4 other friends. Location is easy to find, parking nearby. Nice waiting space, nothing fancy about it, but comfortable. The owner welcomed us very nicely, and after an express briefing we started the experience. The puzzles were varied, challenging, and although they did not always seem to make sense at first, they always did! The storyline can be followed throughout the experience. All in one it was a really great escaping experience, highly recommended!!
Ambiance: 9.0
Game experience: 10.0
Service: 10.0
Nice cosy waiting area with a pool (yeah!), super nice staff, and very nice game. Our team was on fire and we scored the 3rd best (with no hint!), so we escaped fairly quickly, but the game still felt very full and rather challenging. A great and fun experience :)
Ambiance: 9.5
Game experience: 9.5
Service: 10.0
After 3 months of Escape Game detox, we chose Molly's Game to get back to our escape room routine. Woooow.... not sure what to play after that...
We had played all the ER created by Down The Hatch. Molly's Game is in a new building, right next to Flight 815. The welcome area is beautifully decorated, already hinting that the coming experience is going to be amazing. Well it is truly amazing! And the cool thing is that the amazing experience is not detrimental to puzzles, which are diverse, not easy, and super creative!
Go for it, you won't regret it!!!!
Ambiance: 10.0
Game experience: 10.0
Service: 10.0
Bella Ciao was booked by our "Escape Room Leader", @soi, for his birthday. And that was a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery good idea!!!!
First of all we contacted the owner to ask them for help to organise a surprise for soi, and Ivana was super reactive, enthusiastic and helpful!!!
On the day of the escape we arrived early to give her the birthday cake, the candles, and the gift. And she made sure that everything was ready for just after our escape (the candles were even lit!!!). Then she stayed with us to chat and have some cake while her partner, slightly more discrete but very kind as well, was putting the room back in shape. Big thumb up for being so kind and helping us!!!!!!
As for the room, it is beautifully made, some of the puzzles are very creative, the story line is clear, the atmosphere matches the story line and the theme. All in one it's a great experience, and great people, go for it!!!!!!!
Ambiance: 10.0
Game experience: 9.5
Service: 10.0
WoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooW, I am not quite sure what else to say...
First of all, don't hesitate to arrive much earlier to enjoy the beautiful room full of all kinds of games (old nintendo games, ping pong, pool, darts, etc...) for free!!! (I guess it is kind of included in the price of the room, which is slightly higher than the standard NL price).
And then the adventure starts. No spoiler. Just: WoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooW
Once the adventure is over there is one last surprise, something I had never seen, but really cool!!!!!
Maybe I am missing the traditional Escape picture (which we could have taken ourselves, but we totally forgot!)
Just go for it, what can I say...
Ambiance: 10.0
Game experience: 10.0
Service: 10.0
I usually do not like to know much about the rooms before playing them. But for this one I had been told the concept: 10 rooms, 10 doors to open, 10 puzzles, 1 hour. The deal is simple, the concept brilliant! I had a lot of fun!!! The puzzles are very creative, the decoration is minimalist, but it fits really well with the concept. If you are looking for a challenge (only 4 teams made it since the room has opened...) and something different, go for it!!!!!!!
The owner welcomed us, very friendly, full of humour and patience (we were a team of 4 over excited "grown up kids, not everyone would have that patience!). Too bad there was no coffee... :(
Although we did not make it (got stuck in front of door 9, after loosing an insane amount of time in one of the previous room...) it was a great experience!
Ambiance: 9.5
Game experience: 10.0
Service: 9.5
We decided to play enigma a little bit at the last minute. I did not have very high expectations, but it turned out to be a very pleasant experience. It is located in the center of Rotterdam, and we could find free parking 10min walk from the venue, and a nice bar to chat afterwards 5 min walk from the venue. So quite convenient. The lobby is nice, and the staff is very sweet.
The concept is interesting, the room offering some interesting set-ups. There is not a lot of "deep searching skills" involved, more logic. The atmosphere is good, and the room is built in a way that allows the players to follow the logic of the story. Maybe missing a little "climax" effect at the end. But a very nice time for sure :)
Ambiance: 8.5
Game experience: 9.0
Service: 10.0
We are all in our little Escape Team big fans of "The Escape Room Rijswijk". We'd played all their rooms so far, and had an amazing time every time (Special mention to Jason's Curse, my personal favorite!). So we had huge expectation with this new room (in a new venue!). Well let me tell you, we were not disappointed at all!!! Now it's no longer just about the room (which is great, don't get me wrong), but about the all experience which goes beyond the room itself!!!
I won't spoil any of it, but it's worth experiencing!!! And the all team is so welcoming and passionate, it's a true pleasure. Thank you so much, and see you for the next room!!!!
Ambiance: 10.0
Game experience: 10.0
Service: 10.0
This Escape game is located at the border of Delft downtown, in a what used to be a fortification tower!
The all experience is quite nice in the sense that it combines a challenging escape (with both search and logical skills involved).
The decor is really nice and perfectly fit the atmosphere and story line.
Puzzles are nicely done, and not linear for most of the game, which is nice.
Unfortunately we did not escape as we were missing 2 elements to solve the final puzzle. One clue from the game allowed us to find one of the missing piece, but we did not receive another clue, leaving us in the incapacity to solve this final puzzle, whereas we had quite some time left. But that's part of the game!
As we were 9 players we divided in 2 groups of 4 and 5, which is a nice number of players for the room. Although they allow 8 players it would probably a bit too many.
The staff is super welcoming and very knowledgeable. They also proactively contacted us to propose to reschedule as our game was initially planned during the heat wave, which was really nice of them!!
In the end a very nice historical / escape experience!
Ambiance: 9.5
Game experience: 9.0
Service: 9.5
After playing all their rooms, including the ones in Delft, the expectations were super high!!! Well I was not disappointed, it was a really great experience!!! Of course I can not tell too much without spoiling, but this escape room really takes the experience to the next level. Go for it!!!!!!
Ambiance: 10.0
Game experience: 9.5
Service: 10.0
Having played Floor Thirteen already we had very high expectations, and we were not disappointed at all!
As a puzzle nerd I really enjoyed the ‘preliminary' online puzzles which sets up the scene in a very original way.
The room is very well built, creating an atmosphere fully in accordance with the theme. All puzzles have been well conceived and designed to match with the theme of the room. And quite a few puzzles are outstandingly creative.
The welcome area of the venue itself has been rebuilt, it is now more spacious and really pleasant to be in. Robert (if my memory is correct) was super nice and welcome. Also he helped us to organize a surprise birthday for 2 of our team players (including myself), which was super nice of him. Despite the fact that we were the last players on that evening he really gave us all the space/time to enjoy our nice “post escape + birthday cake” moment.
Ambiance: 10.0
Game experience: 10.0
Service: 10.0
I don't know why but I had the (wrong) idea that it was not one of the top rooms in the NL, not even of Escape Challenge (having already done the 3 others).
Well maybe the fact that I did not have expectations was the best thing ever. It is a brilliant room in so many respects, which I will not mention here to avoid spoilers of course. But wow I had a great great time!
Puzzles are really creative, atmosphere is there, service is there. What can I say?
Looking forward to the new room in April 2019!!!
Ambiance: 10.0
Game experience: 10.0
Service: 10.0
We booked the room for the birthday of one the Team Milonguero players. We emailed Mindescape, telling them that it is for a birthday and asking them for a favor. Not only did they accept (they did not have to) but they did much more!!!! From customized instruction, to incorporating birthday decoration in the room, and getting us to sing Happy Birthday!!!! Anyway, they really enhanced the experience!!!
The room in itself is brilliant! The atmosphere is great, the puzzles are really smart, cues were adequately provided. And the rooms contains some nice unexpected twists!!!!
It should also be noted that the room is not expensive, and drinks were offered at the end (maybe it was a birthday treat, I am not sure :)
All in one a super great experience, thank you so much!!!!!!!!
Ambiance: 9.5
Game experience: 9.5
Service: 10.0
After playing Christina's dreams the Team Milonguero had to play Café Voorburg. And we did not regret it, it was a very nice experience. The staff is really friendly, and I like the atmosphere of this location. The room is nice, the experience flows well and is rather logical. The puzzles are totally related to the theme. Cues might have been given to us a bit quickly, as we still had 15min left when we escaped. But overall a very pleasant room :)
Ambiance: 9.0
Game experience: 9.0
Service: 9.5
The Honeymoon Hotel is our third room from the Escape Challenge, and so far we have not been disappointed. Especially after playing The Orphanage (highly recommended as well!) our expectations were super high, and were not deceived! The welcome was ... well... as expected (play the room, you will understand!). The room in itself is really well made, with a lot of details and some really awesome puzzles. The atmosphere matches perfectly the theme of the room. All in one a great experience.
Ambiance: 9.5
Game experience: 9.5
Service: 9.5
Christina's dream is one of these rooms which, although do not give you the woooow effect feeling, are very pleasant to play. Some interesting puzzles, a nice atmosphere in and out of the room, and a very welcoming owner. A few bits and pieces could be improved, but overall we had fun, and that's what matters :)
Ambiance: 8.5
Game experience: 8.0
Service: 9.0
After playing quite a few of the very top rooms in The Netherlands, one never knows if a room ranked in the top 20 is going to trigger the "Wooow effect". Well, The Orphanage definitely did!!!!!!!!!!
The venue is easy to find, parking is easy, and the atmosphere kicks in right from the start (bonus: we had the bells from the nearby church ringing as we approached the entrance door... although this is totally random it was cool :). There is a proper waiting space (no beer for the debrief afterwards, too bad...).
The room in itself is really well made, the atmosphere is absolutely amazing (visual + sounds). There are a lot of puzzles to solve, mostly super well thought and requiring different skills (search, observation, logic, ....).
Only one "minor" comment, this room could be more "non-dutch speaker" friendly. Fortunately we had a Dutch friend in our crew, but it might make things more difficult otherwise.
Overall a really really reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally GREAT experience!!!
Ambiance: 10.0
Game experience: 10.0
Service: 10.0
After playing the Cooper Case at the same venue I was impatiently waiting to play flight 815. Well, I was far from disappointed!!! Everything is there!!! The puzzles are great, with search, logic, and teamwork skills. The staff is super friendly.
Having also played Down the hatch there a little thing that I do regret, but it really did not prevent me from having an amazing experience!!!
Ambiance: 10.0
Game experience: 10.0
Service: 10.0
Let's start by the very positive: Super centrally located, in the heart of The Hague, and the staff is very friendly, with perfect English! For the room itself, it was rather a pleasant surprise as the rating is not the best (although there are not many reviews...): there are some nice puzzles and the atmosphere is quite nice. The "finishing touch" could be improved to make the experience even better and deepen the immersion into the game, but I will not mention more to avoid spoilers.
My only big issue with this experience is the hints. The staff member, as friendly as she was, was giving us hints waaaaaaaaaay too quickly and the hints were waaaaaaaaaay too direct. Being a bit extreme we were sometimes told how to completely solve a puzzle within a couple of minutes, without having time to scratch our heads at all! And we escaped waaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of time, so there was no reason to rush (we escape with 20 minutes left...).
But apart from this big issue the overall experience was enjoyable
Ambiance: 7.5
Game experience: 7.5
Service: 7.0
Dracula's Bedroom is a very nice Escape Room. The lady who welcomed us was very friendly and really tried her very best to accommodate the fact that none of us was Dutch. Also we arrived slightly late, and overexcited (like a group of kids) but she was still very patient with us :) The atmosphere of the room completely met the theme (some music one top would be a plus). The puzzles are really well thought, building up at various speeds. I'd say there is a slight imbalance between search and solve.
A little something is missing to make it an even better room, but overall it's a great experience :)
Ambiance: 9.0
Game experience: 8.5
Service: 9.0
As I always try to know as little as possible about the rooms I am going to play I was really surprised with the unique atmosphere created in this room. Starting with the beginning, location is super central, very nice bar and nice setup to wait / debrief with a drink. Very friendly staff with a super fun & efficient "final picture" process. I am not yet a very experienced player, but I still found the atmosphere created quite unique. Puzzle are not incredibly challenging, but some of them can take some time to figure out. Overall a really nice experience!!!
Ambiance: 9.0
Game experience: 8.0
Service: 9.0
After playing Jason's curse (those who played it will understand) I was really wondering if I could still be "puzzled" by a room. Well, Kamer 237 definitely showed that I could!!! Let's start by thee beginning, the staff is really friendly, the waiting room is super nice and full of games (if you have time you can combine an amazing escape experience while playing some great games!). As for the room.. well.. every ingredient is there: atmosphere perfectly in line with the theme, very well thought puzzles, some searching, some great twists. What can I say, simply go there and enjoy the ride!!!!!
Ambiance: 10.0
Game experience: 10.0
Service: 10.0
The Dentist offered us an overall really nice experience. The atmosphere matches the theme, with some really nice sound and visual effects. Puzzles are diverse, related to the theme and pretty well thought. Slightly more challenging would have been even better :) It must be noted that we played with the max number of players (7) and although it is certainly better to play it with less players, the room still offered us a great experience.
The service was really great, our game master did an amazing job in giving us the overall experience, both before and after the game!
Looking forward to playing another room from this venue, thank you again!
Ambiance: 9.0
Game experience: 8.5
Service: 10.0
I had been told this room was great, and it is an understatement !!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW would be more like it :) I really loved it !!!
The atmosphere is perfectly creepy and completely in line with the theme and the story.
The puzzles are very well thought, making full use of the theme, and of a nice level of difficulty (challenging but manageable). Also we were 6 people playing it (the maximum number of people if I'm not mistaken) and we never tripped on each other, there was always something that one of us could do (and not just stand there and wait for the game to move forward as it is usually the case when playing a room with the max number of players), which is absolutely remarkable !!!!!!!!
As for the service it's the 3rd time that I play at the Escape Room Rijswijk, and it's always a super service with very passionate people.
Congratulation for making such an amazing room and providing this wonderful experience !!!!!!!!!
Ambiance: 10.0
Game experience: 10.0
Service: 10.0
Despite the fact that we did not make it out (always painful the first time...) this room is absolutely amazing and totally deserves its outstanding ranking!!!! The ambiance matches perfectly the one from the movie, it is really beautifully decorated with great visual and sound effects. The puzzles are challenging, very diverse, clever, well balanced between search and logic. And the service is really great, we even had the opportunity to watch the next team trying to escape while we were enjoying a drink and discussing with the owner, a really passionate and sweet person. All in one: GO FOR IT !!! Thanks again for the amazing time !!!
Ambiance: 10.0
Game experience: 10.0
Service: 10.0
My reviews are usually rather short, but this time I might take a bit more time and write a longer review, hoping it will lead to a few improvements for the next escapers :)
Starting by the positives, the overall Amaze facility is very nice. Very well set up with a spacious and nice lounge and free tea (always nice in November...), and a very friendly staff (we had a drink after the game which took a bit long, but they patiently waited for us to finish despite the fact that we were the last group, which was very nice). The room is well decorated in accordance with the theme and there are some very nice ideas in the puzzles (Note, the room is rather puzzle than search oriented).
However a few "incidents" threw of my experience. To begin with at some point during the escape we got stuck with a puzzle. During the 20min that we spent stuck we received a few hints, none of them answering our need, and then the code itself. In principle there is nothing wrong with that, but there were very easy ways to indicate us how to find the code by ourselves with an adequate hint, without revealing the answer. This gave us the feeling that we were not being followed very mindfully by the staff (we were told after the game that they have only video but no audio of what is happening in this room).
This is probably what annoyed me the most, but there were unfortunately a few other incidents : ambiance music stopped abruptly halfway through the escape, 1 hint provided in Dutch when there is no Dutch speaker among us (we shouted "English" but could not be heard... the hint was nonetheless provided in English not too long after), a lighting effect occurred at the wrong time.
So overall, a room with potential but a few kinks need to be worked out!
Ambiance: 6.5
Game experience: 7.0
Service: 9.0