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60 minuten
2 - 8 (Aanbevolen: 6)
16 jaar
Epilepsie risico
44 bezoekers
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De totaalscore hoeft niet het gemiddelde te zijn van je deelcijfers. Soms verdient een kamer voor je gevoel een hoger of lager punt.
Schrijf een review6
Sfeer: 6.0
Spelbeleving: 6.0
Service: 6.0
Gespeeld in juni 2020
Gespeeld met 6 personen
Ontsnapt: Ja
First time playing an escape room. The story was clear. We played this room with 8 persons. The went through each step quite fast. We finished the room in 32 minutes.
I think it was quite easy. Most puzzles weren't hard to solve.
Sfeer: 7.0
Spelbeleving: 6.0
Service: 6.0
Gespeeld in augustus 2019
Gespeeld met 8 personen
Ontsnapt: Ja
Wat de titel zegt is alles mee gezegd ..
Sfeer: 6.0
Spelbeleving: 6.0
Service: 6.0
Gespeeld in maart 2019
Gespeeld met 2 personen
Ontsnapt: Ja
After playing Water Flood some time ago, I wanted to know the other rooms, which are supposedly more difficult. Similar to the other room I found it both challenging and fun. Also this time there were some interesting puzzles and original elements.
Also here the focus is on the puzzles. While most of the puzzles or part of them were quite logic, there were some where there was no clear logic. And the resolution of them involved rather speculative guessing than logical skills. I prefer puzzles where the solution is clear, unique and there is the aha moment, when you know that is the only possible solution. Unluckily that was missing in some of the puzzles. The relationship between puzzles and the argument of the room is lacking also in many of the puzzles.
The atmosphere is relatively simple, but there are quite some nice effects, which make the experience really enjoyable.
The game master was really nice and friendly. An introduction about escape rooms (a little bit too long for the experienced players, but we had lot of first timers) and a funny way of telling the story was a good start. It was also appreciated the discussion afterwards about what went well and not so well in the room. I liked it much more than last time. An improvement point, would be for instance, as many escape rooms do, to have the possibility of dwelling in the lobby and have a drink. While it is understandable that this takes extra time I believe it seriously improves the experience if you can chill out in the location and are not expected to leave immediatly (of course not if there is another group coming directly afterwards).
Also here care should be taken with the maximum group size, we were 5 with 2 first timers and one second timer and that was more than fine. More than 5 is definitely not recomended.
Sfeer: 7.5
Spelbeleving: 7.5
Service: 8.0
Gespeeld in oktober 2017
Gespeeld met 5 personen
Ontsnapt: Ja
De verhaallijn is duidelijk. De puzzels zijn allemaal erg verschillend. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van moderne middelen. Verrassende ontdekkingen. Het niveau is niet heel moeilijk, maar samenwerken is toch wel belangrijk. De kamer was leuk aangekleed.
Sfeer: 7.0
Spelbeleving: 7.0
Service: 8.0
Gespeeld in juni 2017
Gespeeld met 5 personen
Ontsnapt: Ja
Mijn eerste escape room en ik was hooked. Gaaf spel, diverse puzzels en leuke thema-elementen in de kamer. Eigenaren ook erg vriendelijk maar spraken volgens mij alleen Engels.
Sfeer: 8.0
Spelbeleving: 9.0
Service: 7.0
Gespeeld in april 2015
Gespeeld met 4 personen
Ontsnapt: Ja
Het zombiethema, daar is ie weer. Wel een leuke variant dit keer. Prima puzzels, aardige setting, maar al met al komt de kamer te kort om zich te mengen bij de echt goede escape rooms. Wel heel aardig personeel.
Sfeer: 7.0
Spelbeleving: 7.0
Service: 8.0
Gespeeld in januari 2015
Gespeeld met 5 personen
Ontsnapt: Ja
Mijn 1e kamer doe ik speelde een ik wilde meteen meer. Leuke kamer, leuke puzzels. Niet mega bijzonder of spannend maar zeker leuk voor beginnende escapers.
Sfeer: 6.0
Spelbeleving: 7.0
Service: 8.0
Gespeeld in september 2014
Gespeeld met 2 personen
Ontsnapt: Ja