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Boedapest, Hongarije
Nu gesloten
60 minuten
2 - 6
14 jaar
Try to prevent the pre - planned murder which has been set up by a crazy psychopath. The killer's identity has not yet been revealed but the perpetrator has committedmultiple homicides. Evidence shows that the killer is leaving some clues behind. Follow this trail to catch the psycho.
The Zodiac Killer game combines team work, swiftness and creativity, while letting theplayers experience and be part of a dynamic and exciting storyline.
The Zodiac killer has found himself another victim. Your team has 60 minutes to stop the catch the murderer. He is choosing his victims according to specific characteristics, and then captures them. The task is based on the quick discovery of these specific characteristics. Seekfor the murderer, be an active participant of the exciting, adventurous escape game full of adrenaline. Solve the tasks, get more and more closer to the solution. Find out who will be the next victim and get the psychopath perpetrator to jail!
The game is free from any kind of frightening elements. This is a logical escape game in an exciting environment, on a large area, with an amazing design.
WARNING!!! For those players that have already completed either of the previous SERIAL KILLER games, we do not recommend this escape room, since some puzzles are very similar. We suggest to book another game.
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