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Fallen Kingdom [Upadłe Królestwo]

Gdańsk, Poland

70 minutes

2 - 4

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More about Fallen Kingdom [Upadłe Królestwo]

Difficult times have come Kingdoms around have been in a constant war for such a long time that the oldest people don’t remember the time of peace. It is believed, that the monarchs who know that are unable to save their kingdom hide they wealth in underground chambers and then they run away or die with their weapons of war in hand.

Your army trip has just arrived to the city with not such a good opinion, you have been said form the farmers on the way that you were getting closer to he king’s lands that had been conquered lately – the king who is known as mad. They said that the king not only terrorised his people and lost the wealth but also was interested in magic, not the white one. He invited the most powerful wizards from all over the world, and very strange things happened in the castle. The king is believed to sign a pact with some ancient wizards from the north who in return gave him an Ice Dagger, which gave the owner the power of being invincible.

The people were tired of terror and decided to make a conspiracy against the king. After months of fights, the king suspected to be defeated and hid his wealth well. No one know where it is but it is believed that underneath the remains of the castle there is still a chamber with the most precious king’s belongings, including the most interesting one – the Ice Dagger.

A bribed courtier will lead you to the entrance to the underground of the castle. It is the last chance to search there, from the west, another army is coming to attack you. Finding the dagger can change the history not only yours but the whole kingdom and let you win.

For whom ?

The room “Fallen kingdom” is devoted to people of every age ( with a pint of fear). It is a new generation room, where you can turn back the time and help the king win. The task is not easy, that is why it is good to have a strong team and try to find the valuable artefact on time. If you want to know more about The Fallen Kingdom book the date and check




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Startowa 4A
80-461, Gdańsk



2 reviews

The total score of a review doesn't have to be the average of your subscores. Sometimes a room feels like it should deserve a higher (or lower) rating than the exact sum of its parts.

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SemSemEscape MasterMember since: 2018 June 15 (223 rooms played)
Posted on: 2023 november 25

Game of Lights

#191 Fallen Kingdom
Een weekje Polen met 27 kamers, wat wil je nog meer!
Dit was de 4e kamer van de 6e dag, de 25e kamer dus.

De ontvangst was hier prima. Leuke aardige dame die ons ontving en uiteindelijk enthousiast overdroeg aan een andere gamehost die ons in thema de kamer in leidde. Let even goed op met parkeren want dit is bij een mega flat waar veel bewoners ook willen parkeren.

Het verhaal, tja iets met game of thrones ofzo? Ik heb het niet begrepen en heb ook niet gezien hoe ze het hebben willen vertellen. Gemiste kans.

De puzzels waren heel leuk. Heel gevarieerd in moeilijkheid, maar wel leuk en interessant. Een aantal dingen die gebruikt worden die je in Nederland nooit ziet, maar in Polen en Athene heel vaak gebruikt worden in puzzels. Tja, na 25 kamers in Polen is het dan wat minder origineel, maar het blijft leuk!!

De beleving was prima. De flow was soms raar doordat er stellig werd gezegd "follow the light", maar er vervolgens lampen achter je aan bleven die naar mijn mening gewoon uit hadden gemoeten als je dit concept hanteert, dat stoorde mij persoonlijk wel enorm. Het decor was prima, soms carnavalswagen, soms wat betere kwaliteit.

Ik zou deze zeker wel gaan spelen, wellicht met een andere kamer op locatie. Je gaat je hiet echt wel vermaken aan de puzzels, focus alleen niet teveel op het licht!


Ambiance: 8.0

Game experience: 8.0

Service: 8.0

Played in October 2023

Played with 4 persons

Escaped: Yes


Petra_B..Petra_B..Escape LegendMember since: 2018 October 07 (331 rooms played)
Posted on: 2023 october 09

Leuke kamer

Leuk originele puzzelkamer. Echter de puzzels gaan niet op im het decor, beetje losse puzzels, maar dat mocht de pret niet drukken. De moeite waard om te spelen als je in de buurt bent.


Ambiance: 8.0

Game experience: 8.0

Service: 8.0

Played in October 2023

Played with 4 persons

Escaped: Yes

  • Sfeer
  • Puzzels
  • Goede service
  • Origineel


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Bad service
Not really original
Lack of story
Illogical puzzles
Bad host
Needs maintenance

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The scoring total doesn't have to be the average of the partial grades. Sometimes an escape rooms deserves a higher or lower total score.


Ambiance: 6

Game experience: 6

Service: 6

Fine: A pretty average room, fine to play, but don't expect an amazing room.

Why do I see this?

At the of 2021, we put together a standard explanation of the scores, based upon input from our visitors. This can help to put your score in context.



Ambiance: 6

Game experience: 6

Service: 6

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