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Warsaw, Poland

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60 minutes

2 - 6

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More about Olympus

The action of Olympus is set in Ancient Greece. The Olympic Games have just come to an end. All the demigods and the gods of the Greek pantheon were celebrating the ending of the rivalry among the athletes. The inhabitants of both Mount Olympus and Hades partied heavily, drinking beer straight from Dionysus’ Basements, dancing till the crack of dawn. The celebration seemed never-ending. Everyone was having the time of their lives. Taking advantage of the commotion, someone decided to pull a prank on the gods and steal their attributes. Hercules, Odysseus and Achilles all needed to sleep off after the fun, so they can’t help you with your heroic task. There’s a crucial assignment for those of you who decide to escape from this room. Players have to find and return all the attributes – things lost during the thunderous party; things so important, that they provide our gods with their powers. You have to hurry! The chaos over the Mountain affects human race even though it’s only been a day without the gods. Natural disasters begun to occur on Earth and each day is a risk of facing even more floods, earthquakes and volcano eruptions. You have to keep the lid on the situation! As always in Room Escape Warsaw, you’ll have as much, or as little as 60 minutes to complete the task! All this havoc results in you having one more unique opportunity. Thanks to all the chaos and gods’ helplessness, players have the chance to try to steal ambrosia – mythical food of the gods, providing them with not only superhuman strength and unworldly power, but also, what’s more important, immortality. Maybe that will allow you to escape from the Olympus unharmed, avoiding Ares’ wrath. You might be required to cross the Styx, conquer the Cerberus or flee from Thundering Zeus. Let Athena’s wisdom guide you! Time is running, you need to act, don’t be afraid of achieving what seems impossible!

The legendary adventure in Room Escape that seems taken straight from the Ancient Greece consists of a few rooms stylised to the époque they come from. There are many surprises and hidden places inside of the rooms. Climatic music will surely transfer players to the land of powerful gods. Those fond of physical activities won’t be disappointed. There’s no need to worry – knowledge of Greek mythology won’t be necessary, although those keen on it will find the tasks a little bit easier. One thing is for sure: this room will revolutionise your opinion on escape rooms. You will be able to experience the next level of escape games.







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Marszałkowska St. 140
00-061, Warsaw



2 reviews

The total score of a review doesn't have to be the average of your subscores. Sometimes a room feels like it should deserve a higher (or lower) rating than the exact sum of its parts.

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veerleveerleEscape GuruMember since: 2016 November 27 (138 rooms played)
Posted on: 2022 august 31

When in Warsaw...

Wij waren op trip in Warsaw dus leek het ons wel leuk om ook hier een escape room mee te pikken. Van te voren even gebeld omdat we met een aantal kids wilden spelen, was geen probleem, spraken ook engels dus dat was handig.

Dit bedrijf heeft drie locaties in Warsaw, wij hebben in het centrum gespeeld. Olympus gekozen omdat dat thema in de smaak viel bij de kids, goede reviews kreeg en ook toegankelijk was voor kids. Begeleiding zelf was wel goed, gamemaster sprak engels. Tips werden op de juiste moment gegeven.

Het thema was oké uitgewerkt, eerder praktisch dan esthetisch bekeken maar op zich wel oké. Er zit redelijk wat slijtage op maar niets dat het oplossen hindert. Omdat we met een groep van 6 gespeeld hebben waarvan 3 kids (tussen 10 en 13 jaar oud) is het wat moeilijk in te schatten hoe deze kamer zou liggen in een ervaren groep. Zes is sowieso te veel.

Bepaalde stukken van de aankleding zijn wel leuk en het thema is altijd duidelijk, er zit ook wel één echt coole puzzel in.


Ambiance: 7.5

Game experience: 7.5

Service: 7.5

Played in August 2022

Played with 6 persons

Escaped: Yes  49:36 min

  • Goede begeleiding
  • Verhaal
  • Puzzels
  • Heeft onderhoud nodig
  • Decor
  • Meer gericht op families/groepen met kids


SylfariSylfariEscape GuruMember since: 2016 June 15 (238 rooms played)
Posted on: 2022 december 02

Superleuk met klein team

#119 Bij het schrijven van deze review alweer 3 jaar geleden dat ik deze kamer speelde tijdens een escape trip in Warschau. Ik heb het cijfer van destijds aangehouden, ook al realiseer ik me dat intussen veel indrukwekkender kamers te spelen zijn. Destijds was het mijn 2e plaats van de 16 kamers die we speelden. Ik heb deze kamer gespeeld samen met 1 vriendin (en onze andere vrienden speelden hem met z'n drieën na ons). We betaalden gemiddeld 14 euro per persoon, dus voor zo'n bedrag vooral lekker in kleine teams spelen dan heb je er veel meer plezier van. We hadden nu beide genoeg te doen. Het was vooral heerlijk puzzelen, alles zat logisch in elkaar waardoor we een goede flow hadden, en de kamer zag er mooi in thema en strak vormgegeven uit.
Qua service is dit een wat grotere organisatie, die absoluut niet bereid zijn mee te denken bv om tot een logisch tijdschema te komen bij het spelen van meerdere kamers.


Ambiance: 9.0

Game experience: 9.0

Service: 7.0

Played in March 2019

Played with 2 persons

Team: Terrassers

Escaped: Yes  52:26 min

  • Decor
  • Goede prijs
  • Logica
  • Slechte service


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Pro's and con's
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Prositives of the room

Great service
Great price
Great host

Negatives of the room

Bad service
Not really original
Lack of story
Illogical puzzles
Bad host
Needs maintenance

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Date of visit*
Time needed to escape? (Optional)


Game experience




Rate the escape room you've played with grades


How was the decoration and theming of the room? Did they make use of effects in the room?

Game experience

Were the puzzles/tasks challenging enough, achievable and in balance and did they fit the story and the experience?


How did you get welcomed and guided before, during and after the escape?


The scoring total doesn't have to be the average of the partial grades. Sometimes an escape rooms deserves a higher or lower total score.


Ambiance: 6

Game experience: 6

Service: 6

Fine: A pretty average room, fine to play, but don't expect an amazing room.

Why do I see this?

At the of 2021, we put together a standard explanation of the scores, based upon input from our visitors. This can help to put your score in context.



Ambiance: 6

Game experience: 6

Service: 6

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