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Intrusion at the Japanese Tower

Brussel, Belgium

Closed now

60 minutes

2 - 5 (Recommended: 4 / 5)

12 year

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More about Intrusion at the Japanese Tower

That’s it, autumn came in Brussels. The exhibition season also begins for the Belgian capital.

This season may not be too quiet, the curator of the prestigious Japanese Tour of Brussels has just contacted you in panic to report the disappearance of a valuable collection of artifacts.

You and your team immediately head to the very famous Laeken Park.

Once arrived in the tower, you meet the curator who lets you know that the person responsible for the disappearance is nobody else than the architect of the place, Alexandre Marcel.

Apparently in disagreement with the decision to use his work as a museum instead of a temple, he decided to retrieve the artifacts and hide them in the enigmatic structures of the tour.

You will have one hour to explore the different floors of the tower and try to find the collection of artifacts before the access for visitors re-opens.

When entering the second floor, while you’re picking a strange letter up on the ground, the accesses around you close again.

The content of this letter may well change the course of your mission …

Good luck detectives!






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9 visitors

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13 Livornostraat
1060, Brussel



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3 reviews

The total score of a review doesn't have to be the average of your subscores. Sometimes a room feels like it should deserve a higher (or lower) rating than the exact sum of its parts.

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Licht irritant

Een van de puzzels is behoorlijk irritant. Deze moet je bovendien een aantal keer doen. De decoratie van deze kamer laat ook wat te wensen over.


Ambiance: 6.0

Game experience: 6.0

Service: 8.5

Played in August 2020

Played with 4 persons

Escaped: No

  • Vriendelijk onthaal
  • Puzzels in het begin zijn niet leuk
  • Kleine ruimte
  • Kamer en mechanieken moeten opgefrist worden


legolaslegolasEscape ApprenticeMember since: 2024 May 03 (2 rooms played)
Posted on: 2024 may 04

Originele kamer met toffe sfeer

Het onthaal is zeer groot, mysterieus en goed bedacht, met mogelijkheid om een mooie foto te nemen met zijn groepje achteraf. Uitstekende begeleiding voor, tijdens en na de game. Het is een oude room maar de puzzles zijn zeer goed bedacht en de sfeer is betoverend.


Ambiance: 8.0

Game experience: 8.0

Service: 10.0

Played in January 2020

Played with 2 persons

Escaped: No

  • Ambiance
  • Great service
  • Puzzles
  • Original
  • Great price
  • Lack of story


soisoiEscape ExpertMember since: 2017 June 13 (148 rooms played)
Posted on: 2019 august 30

Nice room for a couple

This was my first time playing a room from Escape Hunt. As it is a company present worldwide I did not expect a top room, but it ended up being quite a nice room.
In particular I want to highlight the fact, that the appearance is really professional, a very nice, large and comfortable lounge, and you get a drink served after the game. All the personnel was really friendly and professional, which is not always necessarily the case in these chains. The only thing I can criticize in terms of service is the introduction of the game in the room itself, that takes out the magic of the discovery and is something I dislike every single time. Also the explanation of particular items. I believe a room should be dessigned, without having to get an explanation like please do not move this part, or be careful with this thing. Even some really good rooms have this flaw sometimes. I appreciated though the fact that there is an after game discussion, and not like in other places, where after you are out, that's it.
The room, as I said, was better than expected, the ambience is good, it was a "no locks" room. All in all a solid room, with logical puzzles and all of them related to the theme. Maybe here and there a few confusing aspects, but after analysing the details afterwards, one could see that it was all nicely conceived. There were some collaborative elements and the room also had a little nice twist, that I am sure enthusiasts will apreciate. Unluckily it is done in a way, that loses a little bit the intended effect, but nevertheless the idea is good.
All in all, I appreciated the room, I would advice against playing it with more than three, in particular if you are experienced players. Considering that they have a very friendly two person's price I can recommend it for couples as the price/quality ratio is acceptable.


Ambiance: 7.5

Game experience: 7.5

Service: 9.0

Played in August 2019

Played with 2 persons

Escaped: Yes


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Pro's and con's
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Prositives of the room

Great service
Great price
Great host

Negatives of the room

Bad service
Not really original
Lack of story
Illogical puzzles
Bad host
Needs maintenance

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Game experience




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How was the decoration and theming of the room? Did they make use of effects in the room?

Game experience

Were the puzzles/tasks challenging enough, achievable and in balance and did they fit the story and the experience?


How did you get welcomed and guided before, during and after the escape?


The scoring total doesn't have to be the average of the partial grades. Sometimes an escape rooms deserves a higher or lower total score.


Ambiance: 6

Game experience: 6

Service: 6

Fine: A pretty average room, fine to play, but don't expect an amazing room.

Why do I see this?

At the of 2021, we put together a standard explanation of the scores, based upon input from our visitors. This can help to put your score in context.



Ambiance: 6

Game experience: 6

Service: 6

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